Sunday, October 3, 2010

it's brittany/britney, b*tch!

found at

If you know anything about me, you know that Britney Spears is one of my most favorite things/people/pop culture icons ever. Needless to say, i was a little bit more than excited when I found out that Ms. Britney Jean would be the center of and cameo in an episode of Glee, also one of my most favorite things/shows ever.

The collision was bound to be epic.

And epic it was in terms of performances, dancing, and overall Brittany/Britney awesomeness ....but in terms of story line there wasn't too much there. I know glee isn't really known for it's story lines (with the exception of Finn/Kurt/Burt) but I have to say I like it better when the songs performed help further the plot and really speak to what the character's are feeling. Ryan Murphy and co did a great job of this with the Madonna centric episode last season. Last night, this wasn't the case. However, i guess the anesthesia induced hallucinations were a clever little plot device to enable the glee club to be Brit-nified and introduce Carl (John Stamos), Emma's new love interest.

Now with all that being said, I really did love the episode. The video recreations were spot on, the songs chosen were awesome, and it was a really fun time! Heather Morris was freaking FANTASTIC tonight. She is definitely going to be a superstar after last night's episode. Ms. Brittany S. Pearce had some great one liners (as always), and while she may not have the best voice or biggest range, i think i could watch her dance all day. She is SO talented.

I also really enjoyed Artie's version of "Stronger" as it did enhance his storyline a bit. I will say though I was a tad disappointed that the infamous chair scene of that music video wasn't done by Brittany. 

Here's some of my additional thoughts on the episode:
- Does anyone else only think of *NSYNC when they hear "Sailing?" All i see is Justin's curly hair and the boys flying in the rafters everytime that song is on! (Aw memories of a teenage me!)
- Where was Kurt's  (Chris Colfer) Britney solo? Wasn't he the one pushing for her all episode? And we didn't get so much as a line sung out of him? Lame.
- Also where is Quinn and Puck? and Mercedes for that matter? I miss them.
- Mr. Shue should calm down on the creepiness a bit. Although Matt Morrisson is a great performer, watching his character dance around with the kids was way uncomfortable. He was also a bit annoying with the whole Emma and Carl situation.
- Jacob also got way beyond creepy in this episode and pretty much tried to ruin the performance of "Toxic."
- Rachel is a beyotch!
- Anyone else hate the jocks on this show? It's like they're from the 50s and are prejudice against everything. They're such jerks!
- Love the shout out to the infamous "David after Dentist" youtube video!
- Do you think every episode is going to end with a Rachel solo? I love Lea Michele to death but I sure hope not!
- We need more BRITNEY!
- Anyone else think that whole speech to Finn by Rachel in front of the WHOLE glee club was a bit awkward? Anyone?

 Quips of the night: (be warned...there are MANY!)
“No like seriously you can totally drill me whenever…” I love Santana re: 'the hottest dentist she's ever seen
“Please don’t pull all my teeth, when I smile I’ll look like an adult baby but with boobs”--Brittany
“Also I’m more talented than you” – Brittany to Rachel
“Ok, listen. My dad’s a doctor and not a tooth doctor, a real one. He like went to college or something which means I have a killer health care plan that pretty much pays for everything so get up in my grill cuz Brit and I want to get our anesthesia on” -- Santana
“I think that guy just broke up with his girlfriend over there just so he could stare at you” – Finn
“It looks like a Jewish cloud” -- Brittany re: Jacob's hair
“Well Rachel, congratulations! Normally you dress like the fantasy of a perverted Japanese business man with a very dark specific fetish but I actually dig this look…yay” -- Santana
“You’re all dressed up. You look like a cast member of Kids Incorporated” – Emma re: Will
“It’s a Britney Spears sex riot” -- Sue
“I mean seriously you wear more vests than the cast of blossom” -- Sue
“It’s like a inkblot test, that butt sweat stain, stare into it William, and you will see the light of all that is good, go out of the world” --Sue (so gross but hilarious)

For some other great recaps and reviews of glee check out:
@tvmcgee's recap at HitFix
@jbomb11's redux at E! Onlineand 

Next week on glee we're heading back to furthering the story line (yay!) with what looks sure to be a tearjerker. I'm breaking out my tissues for "Grilled Cheesus!" and I promise I'll try to get this up in better time next week!

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