Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Entertainment Weekly Presents The Visionaries

If you know anything about me, you know that I pretty much think J.J. Abrams and Joss Whedon are TV Gods and genuises. So when i found out that they were doing a panel together at Comic Con and it was being moderated by one of my favorite writers (Entertainment Weekly's, Jeff 'Doc' Jensen), I knew I had to be there. Luckily we got into this panel much easier than expected and waited in line for a mere 2 hours.

They talked about a lot including their admiration for each other, the use of the Internet in making media (such as Dr. Horrible's sing a-long blog), and their thoughts on the new 3D craze in movies. Oh, Joss also officially announced he is directing 'The Avengers' .... AWESOME. I was enamored listening to these two men talk and hearing about their processes. It was inspiring and englightening and just all together amazing. Doc Jensen was a great moderator for this event being somewhat of a fanboy himself and he seemed genuinely excited to be apart of the event.

Below are some pics and videos I took during the panel but if you want to watch the whole thing head over to Entertainment Weekly's Comic-Con Hub! You can also watch Doc Jensen's backstage interviews!
***OK so there is only one video for now because blogger is being a pain in the butt and not letting me upload multiple videos and pictures!! so enjoy for now! and hit up the facebook for pictures! More to come on SUNDAY***

one of my favorite clips :

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