Friday, February 19, 2010

well i guess...

that was a lie. I didn't start blogging again last year as you can obviously tell but I really do want to get started. In an attempt to do something i'm passionate about I really HAVE to get started. Time is strained though when you work a full time and part time job, go to the gym, try to have a life, and have 12 season passes on your tivo. We'll see how often i can do this but i'm going to try my hardest for once a week. here goes...

starting off....

here's a list of my favorite current TV shows:

lost, dexter, glee, heroes (although unfortunately this one is about to jump off this list)

other shows i have season passes for: true blood, fringe, grey's anatomy, the vampire diaries, 90210, gossip girl, flash forward, gilmore girls (reruns on abc fam)

random shows i really love/loved, lost touch with or don't have season passes for: dollhouse, entourage, october road, sex and the city, ugly betty, house, chuck, how to make it in america, my boys, roswell, 24, american idol (occasionally), random reality shows on mtv

and last but not least here are my ALL TIME favorites:

1. buffy
2. lost
3. veronica mars
4. dawson's creek
5. dexter
6. sex and the city

now that you have those let's see what my first post will be about. oh and you can follow me on twitter as well @laurd

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