Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the lighthouse will lead you home

Attempting to actually recap LOST is a feat i don't think i'm ready for so i think i'll leave that to the professionals like Doc Jensen, and Kristen Dos Santos.

Last night's episode of LOST entitled "The Lighthouse" was chock full of information and questions regarding what is going to happen with our favorite doctor the rest of this final season. We learned that sideways Jack has a son named 'David' who he is trying not to screw up, that Jacob could watch his candidates through his magic mirror, that something or someone bad is coming to the temple (Probably Flocke and his infected Claire), and that Claire has gone Rousseau crazy.

Some things I noticed:

  • This is the second time we've seen Jack looking in the mirror at a scar he doesn't seem to remember having. Might he not remember getting his appendix out when 7 or 8 because it was actually taken out just 2 seasons ago by Juliet in the Island World? It's at these times in the sideways world I think he is experiencing a deja-vu of sorts with his hidden Island memories.
  • David was reading The Annotated Alice by Lewis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland has been referenced time and time again throughout Lost's previous seasons.
  • Jack is the king of daddy issues and I think this sideways Jack is finally starting to be able to work through them. I love that conversation with Dogen at the back of the music hall talking about how children should never feel that pressure. Although island Jack said he'd be a "horrible father" it seems that sideways Jack is really trying to be a great one and not follow in Christian's footsteps.
  • "I'm a candidate and I can do what i want" - Hurley. I loved this whole exchange with Dogen. You know he had to have said some crazy stuff back in Japanese.
  • If Jacob says that it's too late for those at the temple does that mean that Miles is screwed? Sayid's already infected. So is he going to be next or is he going to die? My bet's on the latter and I love Miles so that kinda sucks.
  • The dynamic of Hurley and Jacob was pretty fantastic. They play off each other so well and I enjoyed all of their scenes immensely.
  • Jacob's sentiments about the differences between Hurley and Jack finding their purposes and plans are so spot on. Jack could never or will ever be able to do what he was told. He's said he can't even trust himself so how would he be able to trust Jacob at his word. He has to look out at the ocean and ponder.
  • In addition to seeing his childhood home in the mirrors, I also saw some Asian temples (possibly the ones near Jin and Sun's wedding when Jacob visited them) and a church (possibly the one where Sawyer's parent's funeral was held and Jacob visited him). Although I'm not sure what degrees the wheel was at when these pictures flashed so who knows.
  • #51 is Ms. Kate Austen
  • For Claire being all OK with not having Aaron when we lost saw her in that cabin with Christian, she sure is pissed now.
  • In addition to that, she looked completely insane introducing her 'friend' don't we think? What happened to her? I can't wait to find out.
and my final thought....I miss Desmond! I'm hoping Darlton can bring him back in the game soon. These episodes albeit full of information, feel like they are just setting up for the big show and with next week's preview it looks like it should be starting. Is it next Tuesday at 9 o'clock yet?

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