Stop, what you're doing and watch this video. No, seriously, stop what you're doing. WATCH THIS VIDEO.
Just press play and enjoy "The History of Rap"
How good is Justin Timberlake? No, seriously, how good is he? (Jimmy is Fantastic, too)
For more Justin and to hear Jimmy interview him about his new movie "The Social Network," check out the interview below....
So Justin, I know you get this a lot but will you marry me? And while you're contemplating this, can you please make some new music? I know, I know i've read on Zap2it that you're just not feeling it right now but i really miss your voice, and your tours so let's get on that. Thanks. Heart youuuuuuu.
just a girl with a tiVo's thoughts on what you should be watching and why television is the perfect escape.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Guilt can be a killer
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seen at |
Dexter Morgan is not a good person.
Last night's season 5 opener was pretty much the first time I ever really thought this. I know, I know, he's a serial killer and has been one all along but last night was the first time I was ever really mad at Dexter for being who he is. The first time I actually saw him as a killer, doing something wrong....rather than a sociopath with a purpose, taking out the bad for the good of himself and the code. His lack of feeling and humanity and inappropriate reactions last night, they just put me off and made me angry.
Season 5's first episode picked up right where Season 4's phenomenal finale left off. Rita dead in the bathtub and our poor baby Harrison sitting in her blood. Cops show up to the house, Deb comes flying in and takes the baby, and Dex spews out "It was me."
Well Dex, in a way, it was you. As he states in the episode, there were many times throughout last season when he could have killed Trinity before this happened to Rita. He just didn't do it and now she's dead because of him. His remorse and guilt for Rita's death is palpable throughout the episode but being who he is, he doesn't know how to handle it and it appears to just hang over everything like an awkward turtle. It does seems pretty fitting that his only real scene of grief involves his dark passenger and the reemergence of Harry. The rest of the episode, especially the scene where he is telling Astor, Cody and Rita's parents what happened was pretty hard to watch. I mean "I'm sorry for your loss," Are you serious, Dexter? I also found it kind of interesting that Astor can almost see right through him. Although I think she's wrong, he may be acting like he doesn't care, but he does. He just doesn't know how to show that. (technical note: I wish the girl who plays Astor was a better could have been a lot more emotional and I could always use a good cry)
I loved the scenes between Dexter (Michael C. Hall) and Debra (Jennifer Carpenter) last night. Especially when she is telling him that he is "decent and good." Both actors were magnificent in their roles. It also makes me excited and anxious for when Deb really does find out who her brother is. I can't imagine what's going to happen there but I can't wait to see it (when and if it does ever happen).
I also hated and loved that Dex left and came back. I was SO SO angry he was leaving but understood that it was his way to deal. After talking with some friends and reading some comments on various recaps that wish he stayed out, I'm convinced his coming back was a testament to his love for Rita. The old Dex would have never come back, he would have just gone away. Rita changed him, and I think this enabled him to do the right thing and come back to his family. I only wish he mentioned his love for her out loud instead of just in his head.
On a side note, I hate the Quinn/Deb hookup. Although, I'm hoping it will provide an interesting angle to Quinn's investigation on Dexter. After further discussion with my great friend Jenn, we're just hoping this doesn't turn into Doakes 2.0 offense to the writers but that would be very boring. Dexter did nothing but make himself prime suspect #1 in this episode in Quinn and the FBI's eyes so let's see how this whole Quinn thing goes and how he gets out of this. I have faith that this storyline and the rest of the season will be remarkable.
Here's some of my favorite lines of the night:
-"I've watched 67 people die, and at the moment of truth I looked into their eyes and I knew -- and they knew -- they got what they deserved. But what if that's not what happens, if you don't get what you deserve? get me?" -- Dexter
- "She had a big heart, big enough for the both of us, had to be, I wasn't even human when we first met." -- Dexter
- "Who the fuck are you? ...No, who the fuck are you?" -- Deb, re: the creepy cat lady who is taking care of Harrison
So what are your thoughts? Did you like the season opener? Did you love it? Did you hate it? and How do you think Dex will get through this mess? and how about that Julia Stiles....what's her deal going to be?
Dexter is on Sundays on Showtime at 9pm EST.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
xoxo, Gossip Girl
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photo seen at |
Next up some thoughts I had while watching the second episode of the new season of Gossip Girl:
- Best part of tonight's episode -- Dan singing "this loft is your loft, this loft is my loft, where's your aunt jenny, she moved to Hudson, she wears leggings" HILARIOUS
- What's the deal with this Juliet chick? I know from reading Zap2it that she is not gossip who is she? and what does she want with all our infamous upper east siders? Especially S. I'm interested to find out.
- Chuck and "Fleur DeLacour" ... love her but I can't wait for Chuck and B's reunion.
- I love Kristen Bell's voice as Gossip Girl. Can we please get her that Veronica Mars movie that she and I and every other fan of the show so desperately wants?
- After today, there is no Chuck Bass. Repeat to self: This is not true. This is not true.
- Louis bringing Blair to Harry Winston, hello....I need a prince.
- This whole Dan having feelings for Serena thing.....I don't care if she is only your half sister by marriage, that is creepy. Let Nate have her.
- Wow, this scene between Blair and Chuck at the train station is sooooo good. This reunion was definitely worth the wait. I want to scream at the TV and make them kiss. I've watched it 3 times already. Great acting by both Leighton Meester (Blair) and Ed Westwick (Chuck).
- Glad that Vanessa and Dan are together at the end and that sly move between Juliet and Nate.... I wonder who S would have picked though.
- So Fleur, i mean Balenciaga, is coming to NYC huh? This should be interesting.
Best lines of the episode:
"but it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf"
"That's true ......but it wouldn't be my world without you in it."
Spoken by the one and only, B.
Gossip Girl is on the CW on Mondays at 9pm EST. For more on Gossip Girl head on over to AND if you want to read some insanely good recaps and info head on over to Vulture for their obsessive guide.
oh hey! So there's like a bajillion shows that my tiVo taped this week and I realize with the next week starting there is no way I can do posts on everything so look forward to a couple of quick blurbs with my thoughts on some returning/new shows this fall.
First up.....
Totally my guilty pleasure. Here are some thoughts on the most recent episode "Age of Inheritance" where Naomi turns 18, throws a rocking bash and gets her trust fund.
- How creeptastic is Mr. Cannon huh? I hate him. Guy is totally creepin' all over Silver. However, I'm loving the ominous music they have playing when he's around. It's so soap-y.
- I understand Naomi lying about Mr. Cannon, but she can't go all crazy and almost hit him with her car while Ade is in the front seat and use the acceleration of her new BMW as an excuse. (Wow that was a run-on huh?) Hello Adriana, you're stupid to believe that.
- Loved that bit with Liam and Annie together on the boat. Too bad he was lying about it "boat sitting." Also, who is this mysterious Charlie? Is that really his brother? and what's the deal there? It was an interesting little twist. It doesn't look like it will turn out good for our Annie.
- and Poor Annie, girl is totally the new Kelly Taylor.
- Hate Silver's new hair, LOVE Annie's hair and general style (esp the dress cute).
- This Oscar character is lame-o. Sleeping with the mom and trying to get with the daughter.
- Teddy is totally going to end up in AA by the end of this season. I'm wondering how and when they are going to turn him gay??
- The character of Jenn is super annoying as well. I hated her last season, and she definitely hasn't made any improvements.
- And on the other side of that, what is going on with Ryan? He was one of the best parts of the show last year and they haven't given us much of him yet. I hope this changes.
Next week's episode is about Adriana being crazy selfish and stealing songs from her dead musician friend and singing them at his funeral. You know this information has to come out at some point. I can't wait to see what happens.
90210 is on the CW on Mondays at 8pm EST. Head on over to their for more info, full episodes, pics, etc!
First up.....
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taken from copyright the CW 2010 |
Totally my guilty pleasure. Here are some thoughts on the most recent episode "Age of Inheritance" where Naomi turns 18, throws a rocking bash and gets her trust fund.
- How creeptastic is Mr. Cannon huh? I hate him. Guy is totally creepin' all over Silver. However, I'm loving the ominous music they have playing when he's around. It's so soap-y.
- I understand Naomi lying about Mr. Cannon, but she can't go all crazy and almost hit him with her car while Ade is in the front seat and use the acceleration of her new BMW as an excuse. (Wow that was a run-on huh?) Hello Adriana, you're stupid to believe that.
- Loved that bit with Liam and Annie together on the boat. Too bad he was lying about it "boat sitting." Also, who is this mysterious Charlie? Is that really his brother? and what's the deal there? It was an interesting little twist. It doesn't look like it will turn out good for our Annie.
- and Poor Annie, girl is totally the new Kelly Taylor.
- Hate Silver's new hair, LOVE Annie's hair and general style (esp the dress cute).
- This Oscar character is lame-o. Sleeping with the mom and trying to get with the daughter.
- Teddy is totally going to end up in AA by the end of this season. I'm wondering how and when they are going to turn him gay??
- The character of Jenn is super annoying as well. I hated her last season, and she definitely hasn't made any improvements.
- And on the other side of that, what is going on with Ryan? He was one of the best parts of the show last year and they haven't given us much of him yet. I hope this changes.
Next week's episode is about Adriana being crazy selfish and stealing songs from her dead musician friend and singing them at his funeral. You know this information has to come out at some point. I can't wait to see what happens.
90210 is on the CW on Mondays at 8pm EST. Head on over to their for more info, full episodes, pics, etc!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Pictured: Anna Torv ©2010 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Liane Hentscher/FOX |
To me, Thursday's season opener of Fringe was well worth the wait. But before i get started with my recap, I just want to talk about how amazing the cast of this show is! It's a darn shame John Noble didn't get an Emmy nomination for his amazing performances as Walter/Walternate. That was some big snub by the Academy and I really hope it's fixed next year. He is phenomenal and I just love him. Anna Torv (Olivia) is amazing as well. Specifically in last year's season finale, "Over There." I think it's a really tough role for an actor to play two different people, and this cast makes it look like they're just singing the ABC's so bravo to them.
The 3rd season opener begins "over there" with our Olivia talking to her therapist, Dr. Anderson about how she's not who they say she is. (side note: episodes taking place "over there" have the red credits) Apparently, Walternate's crew has been importing Alt-Olivia's (Bolivia as named by Anna Torv at SDCC) memories into her head in an attempt to transform her. The reason or motive behind this, we don't really know, except for Walternate's mention of a need to know how she can move between universes. Neither does alt-Broyles (Lance Reddick) apparently as Walternate withholds this information from him at the end of the episode. It seems that only alt-Broyles knows this is the real Olivia and not actually Bolivia. The rest of the fringe division just seems to believe she's lost her memories from a bump in the head.
Anyways, after attempting to inject Olivia with another dose of memories, she feigns sickness and breaks out just like our kick ass Olivia should. She runs, she jumps into the river, and finally takes a cabbie at gun point. (More on this later) (...and did anyone else notice that the cab driver's radio was talking about President JFK??). She has the cab driver take her over to the theater, where she had entered this universe, only to find that its about to be quarantined with the amber solution. Distraught and needing gas, they head to a station not too far off before heading to what she thinks will be Massive Dynamic. Her partners Lincoln and Alt-Charlie swoop on in. Olivia is a bad ass, she blows up a gas tanker, locks Lincoln in the bathroom and has the cabbie, Henry, take her to Massive Dynamic. It's here, where we switch to Walternate and Alt-Broyles who can see that the memories have finally begin to kick in "because only one member of fringe division can shoot like that."
In the alt-universe, Massive Dynamic wasn't built and without really knowing where she wants to go, she asks Henry to take her to her "mother's" house. Our Olivia is torn between her two identities at the house. It was heartbreaking to see her freak out because her mom is actually dead and even more aggravating to see Bolivia's memories breaking in to her consciousness and taking over. We learn that her adrenaline is really what kick started the transformation and it will be interesting to see how this grows throughout the rest of the season.
The last moments of the episode switch back to "over here" and we see Peter relaying his experiences and what he believes to be Walternate's plan to congress. Walter is adorable eating an Oreo waiting on the stairs for him with Bolivia. The last thing we hear and see is Peter telling Bolivia that "the whole time i was in there, there's only one thing i could think about" and then they kiss.
Let me tell you I was SO angry about this kiss that i yelled at the TV. Stupid Bolivia! She's effing with Peter's head and infiltrating our group. Grr, she makes me mad! (But how excellent is Anna Torv at playing her?) I can't wait until she's found out and this whole thing unravels! It's going to be an exciting and hopefully Emmy award winning season! I think my favorite parts of the episode took place in the cab with Henry. There's something about him. Not too sure what, but I feel like he must have been in another episode or has some back story. The story he shares with Olivia about thinking he's someone else and the way he follows Charlie and Olivia as they leave her "mother's" house. He must be a spy from our side or have some connection. Or i could just be making this up? Who knows? But i definitely think there is something about him. I also got a little feeling when Alt-Broyles is speaking with Walternate about his motives, that maybe Broyles will eventually help our Olivia get back to where she belongs. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Next week, the episode will take place "over here" where a mysterious box is causing all sorts of trouble. Here's a clip i found on
In the alt-universe, Massive Dynamic wasn't built and without really knowing where she wants to go, she asks Henry to take her to her "mother's" house. Our Olivia is torn between her two identities at the house. It was heartbreaking to see her freak out because her mom is actually dead and even more aggravating to see Bolivia's memories breaking in to her consciousness and taking over. We learn that her adrenaline is really what kick started the transformation and it will be interesting to see how this grows throughout the rest of the season.
The last moments of the episode switch back to "over here" and we see Peter relaying his experiences and what he believes to be Walternate's plan to congress. Walter is adorable eating an Oreo waiting on the stairs for him with Bolivia. The last thing we hear and see is Peter telling Bolivia that "the whole time i was in there, there's only one thing i could think about" and then they kiss.
Let me tell you I was SO angry about this kiss that i yelled at the TV. Stupid Bolivia! She's effing with Peter's head and infiltrating our group. Grr, she makes me mad! (But how excellent is Anna Torv at playing her?) I can't wait until she's found out and this whole thing unravels! It's going to be an exciting and hopefully Emmy award winning season! I think my favorite parts of the episode took place in the cab with Henry. There's something about him. Not too sure what, but I feel like he must have been in another episode or has some back story. The story he shares with Olivia about thinking he's someone else and the way he follows Charlie and Olivia as they leave her "mother's" house. He must be a spy from our side or have some connection. Or i could just be making this up? Who knows? But i definitely think there is something about him. I also got a little feeling when Alt-Broyles is speaking with Walternate about his motives, that maybe Broyles will eventually help our Olivia get back to where she belongs. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Next week, the episode will take place "over here" where a mysterious box is causing all sorts of trouble. Here's a clip i found on
Friday, September 24, 2010
Let's get our anesthesia on
I know, I know it's another gLee post but I am SO SO SO excited for this episode! Seriously it's going to be phenomenal! Here's a sneak peak I found on Yahoo! of our girls Santana and Brittany doing "Me Against the Music"
‘Glee’ Does Britney’s ‘Me Against the Music’ @ Yahoo! Video
According to Yahoo!, we can also look forward to performances of "Stronger" (one of my faves), "I'm a slave for you", "Toxic", "Oops" and "Baby One more Time"! If you search the internet you can find audio of the songs on youtube!! Woot! I CAN'T WAIT! Can you?!?!??!
‘Glee’ Does Britney’s ‘Me Against the Music’ @ Yahoo! Video
According to Yahoo!, we can also look forward to performances of "Stronger" (one of my faves), "I'm a slave for you", "Toxic", "Oops" and "Baby One more Time"! If you search the internet you can find audio of the songs on youtube!! Woot! I CAN'T WAIT! Can you?!?!??!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Just Smile
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Photo seen at Vulture |
How do you not smile when watching this show? gLee is like the perfect little pick me up for those days when you are down.
The second season of Fox's hit show premiered last night and if you didn't get a chance to catch it I suggest you drop what you're doing and head on over to or hulu right now and get on it!
The premiere episode started with Jacob's updates on the glee-clubbers' "gay summer" in a hilarious video blog! Highly entertaining and always awesome, he did not disappoint! We got some updates on the characters and some input into the creator's thoughts about the criticism aimed at the show in an intelligent and amusing way! I for one, think Ryan Murphy should consider actually developing Jacob's blog about the glee-clubbers in the same way he is writing Sue Sylvester's biography because I have no doubt that it would be well received by the show's fans!
We also met some new folks at McKinley High tonight including Sunshine, the lil munchkin with the big pipes; Sam, the new quarterback who sings in the shower, and Coach Beiste, a nemesis with heart for the fabulously evil Sue Sylvester.
Having attended the comic con panel, and read all there is to read about gLee over the summer, I knew these characters were coming and I was not very excited. Especially for the addition of Rachel's nemesis, Sunshine (Charice). I, like Rachel, worried about what it would do to the group dynamic. However, the moment this tiny little girl's mouth opened, i was hooked. Damn, that girl can sing! Her voice is wonder Oprah says she's the next big thing! I also loved Coach Beiste (Dot Jones); she's got some hilarious one liners and is a perfect antagonist for Sue! Sam (Chord Overstreet) seems to be a good addition as well and has a great voice but didn't show us too much to fall in love with just yet!
There were so many things to love about last night's episode so here's a quick list of some of my favorites:
- Mike and Tina. Hello Mike's abs! and Let's talk about hooking up at asian camp.... are you serious? that's amazing.
- The WHOLE bathroom scene with Rachel and Sunshine.... "Oh you don't speak English! You like me sway in background" hahah I was sad they didn't show that whole song!
- Rachel's overall nuttiness and Lea Michele's overall amazingness! Girl is so talented and I hated Rachel all episode for it until the end!
- The awkward rapping
- Finn auditioning for the Cheerios.
- Coach Beiste. She's hard and sensitive at the same time and a great addition to the cast. Sue took it a bit too far, and I think everyone felt a bit bad for her!
- Best performance/song of the night ---- "Listen" by Sunshine. The girl gave me chills.
- Finn and Rachel's scene at the end.
Although I enjoyed the awkward rapping as it was hilarious and fun, I think I could do with some more singing and less hip hop songs throughout the rest of the season. I also wish there was a lil more Kurt going around in the opener. He didn't get an emmy nomination for nothing. A little more Mercedes would be nice too. I'm also wondering is Sunshine really going to Vocal Adrenaline? Having read bloggers and mags all summer, I had no idea!
"you're all coffee and no omelette" -- Beiste
"that doesn't make any sense" - Sue
"Stop the Violence" - Brittany re: Santana/Quinn's fight
"Dude your mouth is huge? How many tennis balls can you fit in there?" - Puck
"I don't know i've never had any balls in my mouth...have you?" - Sam
Next week is what we've all (well i've) been waiting for!! It's Britney/Brittany!!
Two of my favorite things ever together in one hour! I say YES please!! Check the preview below!
So what do you think? Did you guys love it? Hate it? What was your favorite performance? and are you as excited as I am for next week's Britney episode!?!?!
Next week is what we've all (well i've) been waiting for!! It's Britney/Brittany!!
Two of my favorite things ever together in one hour! I say YES please!! Check the preview below!
So what do you think? Did you guys love it? Hate it? What was your favorite performance? and are you as excited as I am for next week's Britney episode!?!?!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We will never forget
A day that changed everything. Never forget those that lost their lives, their families who have suffered and those that serve to protect us that day and every day. God Bless America.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Game On
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Photo from The Hollywood Reporter Live Feed |
How good was 'The Return?'
If you're not watching the Vampire Diaries or have never seen it before, this premiere episode of the second season was definitely THE episode to jump on in. Everything about this episode was phenomenal.... the acting, the writing, the overall hotness of the cast. I was on the edge of my seat practically the entire time.
The second season opener was full of twists and turns provided by the return of the super hot and super evil, Katherine. She's back and I can't wait to see what she brings with her this season. In addition, this episode featured Bonnie upping her sassiness with Damon, Stefan showing what he's like when he gets really angry (which ps. by the way is HOT), Tyler learning of the Lockwood curse from good ol' Uncle Mason, and SPOILER ALERT ...
Damon killing Jeremy because his heart was double broken by Katherine and Elena.
and Katherine smothering Caroline, making her a Vamp since Damon's blood was used to help heal her.
Major props to the cast for the AMAZING performances they put on in this episode. Nina Dobrev was so excellent, it really seemed like she was two different people. She showed a wide range of skills and I was thoroughly impressed. No lie, I think I have a bit of a girl crush and if she keeps acting the way she did in this episode, she should totally be nominated for something. Ian Somerhalder made my heart melt/break in the scenes when he got a knife through the heart by Katherine/Elena and then BAM! made me so angry when he snapped Jeremy's neck. I've also never liked Paul Wesley more than I did in this episode. He was fantastic when threatening John and speaking with Katherine. The chemistry/tension between these characters/actors doesn't hurt at all either. Did i mention everyone was super hot in this episode?
And before I start bulleting some favorite lines and randomness about the episode, I forgot to mention if there's any scene you should be watching from this episode, It's definitely the almost too hot for TV scene between Katherine and Damon at the Salvatore House. Google it, Youtube it whatever, you won't regret it.
Favorite Lines
- "His eyes are SO blue" - Katherine, re: the 'delicious' Matt
- “You hate me huh? That sounds like the beginning of a love story Stefan, Not the end of one” –Katherine
-“Kiss me or Kill me? Which will it be Damon?” We both know you’re only capable of one.” - Katherine
Well what do you know? All my favorite lines are from the evil Katherine, lol.
Some of my randomness:
- I'm excited for the werewolf developments with Tyler and Uncle Mason. Should be some good stuff!
- The Elena/Katherine meeting is going to be EPIC.
- What do you think Damon killing Jeremy is going to do to him? I'm thinking making him a sorta John Gilbert, but less of an ass.
- Why is Katherine really back? Is she jealous of Elena? Did she really come back for Stefan? Does she want to just screw around? What's her motives? I'm thinking it's highly unlikely she came back just for Stefan. I guess we'll have to wait and see
For more on the Vampire Diaries, check out Entertainment Weekly's Recap and @cadlymack's coverage on Zap2it. @cadlymack also has some great interviews and videos with the cast that are definitely worth checking out!
'Til next time, Game On!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

...and it's here! The first new show of the Fall Season. 'Hellcats' is on the CW and stars Ashley Tisdale and Aly Michalka (of the former band, Aly and AJ) as cheerleaders hell bent on winning the title to keep the school from canceling their program. Ashley plays Savannah, Captain of the Hellcats who is full of pep and cares about one thing above all others: cheerleading. Aly plays Marti, a pre-law student with a love/hate relationship with her mother that loses her scholarship and needs to find a way to stay in school. A former gymnast, Marti becomes a Hellcat and all is solved. Now she's got to find her way in "A World Full of Strangers" as so the pilot episode is called.
Truth be told, I wasn't going to watch this show at first but as a former cheerleader who loves/misses the sport more than I can say, I was in for nostalgia. The choreography, tumbling and stunting routines in the show are kick ass. Without them, I don't think the show would have the appeal is does.
Despite the predictability of most of the season opener and the less than stellar acting by some of the cast, the show was actually pretty cute. There is definite guilty pleasure potential and if you're into that type of thing or if you love cheerleading, you should definitely check it out!
Some thoughts
- Principal Wood from BtVS is the coach's boyfriend = sweet. DB Woodside is amazing.
- Damn straight Savannah, cheerleaders ARE athletes.
- Obvious romantic complications between the 'new' old football coach and the cheerleading coach.
- I'm calling it now, Dan (Marti's bff) is totally in love with her or will be at some point this season.
- Alice, I love the bitch you love to hate.
- Tom Welling aka Superman is one of the show's executive producers.
Let's give this one a few more episodes and see if it can reach my guilty pleasure status.
For more info on Hellcats head over to the CW where you can watch interviews, full episodes, etc. and catch Hellcats on the CW, Wednesdays at 9.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Baby, I was born to run...
Here it is! The amazing Emmy Opening Number of "Born to Run" with Jimmy, some of the gleeks, Joel McHale, Tina Fey, Nina Dobrev, Jon Hamm, and Betty White! Enjoy the goodness over and over again.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
new gLee promo
I'm still planning on doing a little something to round up all the emmy action from this past weekend but I just had to post this. Things have been a bit crazy with the start of the new school year but I promise i'll get back on track soon :)
For now, here's the new promo clip I just found at Give Me My Remote for Season 2 of gLee
Enjoy! and Don't forget the new season starts September 21st at 8 on FOX!
For now, here's the new promo clip I just found at Give Me My Remote for Season 2 of gLee
Enjoy! and Don't forget the new season starts September 21st at 8 on FOX!
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