just a girl with a tiVo's thoughts on what you should be watching and why television is the perfect escape.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
the rest of the weeeekkkkkk.....
prison break: pretty awesome. love that show and reallllly love wentworth miller and domenic purcell. i'm loving the new characters on the show, it's making it very interesting and is the guy who plays alexander mahone a great actor or what?!?
chuck: although it started a little slow, this show showed promise. zach levi (the actor who plays chuck) was pretty funny and the chemistry with him and the "sarah" was pretty phemonenal. chuck is about a guy who works at buy more (aka best buy) as boss of the nerd herd (aka geek squad) who via an email downloads the whole c.i.a. database into his brain. the concept seems stupid, but put onto screen it's pretty cool. you should check it out.
gossip girl: slightly addictive guilty pleasure. penn badgley and blake lively are like the new marissa and ryan. the show is fabulous, drama filled and quite hilarious. i also love that kristen bell is the voice of gossip girl. it makes me think of/miss vm.
ugly betty: awww i got all excited with santos in the whole episode and was kind of confused because i thought he was dead, and then right at the end they pulled him away, and he really was. that was so sad, almost made me tear up. love the little funeral they had for henry and betty's almost relationship, and the sex change confusion by alex(is). i'm so happy america ferrara won the emmy, she totally deserved it. this show is well acted, well written and well directed. it's got parts of everything: humor, sadness, drama; it's a great one. (the kid who plays justin is also AMAZING....he's gonna be a big star when he's older.)
greys: breakup kiss, breakup sex?! haha yes. i love mer/der and there effed relationship. i don't know how i feel about the lexie grey character and if they try to put her and derek together, i think that would be a mistake. it doesn't work right. also this george and izzie thin is kind of funny. the character of callie is a great addition to the show so i wonder how that's gonna work out. the new interns are funny and bailey is as always amazing. i think it will be a good season.
alright off to do some homework and probably watch some newport harbor.
have a good weekend!!
love, lau
chuck: although it started a little slow, this show showed promise. zach levi (the actor who plays chuck) was pretty funny and the chemistry with him and the "sarah" was pretty phemonenal. chuck is about a guy who works at buy more (aka best buy) as boss of the nerd herd (aka geek squad) who via an email downloads the whole c.i.a. database into his brain. the concept seems stupid, but put onto screen it's pretty cool. you should check it out.
gossip girl: slightly addictive guilty pleasure. penn badgley and blake lively are like the new marissa and ryan. the show is fabulous, drama filled and quite hilarious. i also love that kristen bell is the voice of gossip girl. it makes me think of/miss vm.
ugly betty: awww i got all excited with santos in the whole episode and was kind of confused because i thought he was dead, and then right at the end they pulled him away, and he really was. that was so sad, almost made me tear up. love the little funeral they had for henry and betty's almost relationship, and the sex change confusion by alex(is). i'm so happy america ferrara won the emmy, she totally deserved it. this show is well acted, well written and well directed. it's got parts of everything: humor, sadness, drama; it's a great one. (the kid who plays justin is also AMAZING....he's gonna be a big star when he's older.)
greys: breakup kiss, breakup sex?! haha yes. i love mer/der and there effed relationship. i don't know how i feel about the lexie grey character and if they try to put her and derek together, i think that would be a mistake. it doesn't work right. also this george and izzie thin is kind of funny. the character of callie is a great addition to the show so i wonder how that's gonna work out. the new interns are funny and bailey is as always amazing. i think it will be a good season.
alright off to do some homework and probably watch some newport harbor.
have a good weekend!!
love, lau
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i heart heroes

first things first let's talk about my fave, heroes. although the premiere wasn't as good as last season's, i didn't expect it to be and so i thought it was a pretty good set up for the rest of the season. i'll provide a lil synopsis for this episode to update you as to where our fave characters are (warning there are spoilers):
we learned that 'the bennets', now 'the butlers' have moved to costa verde, ca and claire gets to keep the nissan rogue (this year's new versa). she is also not a robot as her new classmate and fellow hero has deemed everyone at school robots or aliens (robots do as they're told and aliens do what they want). we also learn HRG doesn't want her to draw any attention to herself, which means no cheerleading for claire bear...but i'm sure that is going to change. HRG is working at a kinkos type place with a dink boss and pretty much is a bad ass especially when he's on break.
nathan has apparently decided against congress, grown a gruffy beard, drank lots of alocohol and has had half of his face blown off that can only been seen in the mirror. he also fully believes our peter is alive.
hiro is stuck in 1671 with takeo kensei, who is a british guy played by the lovely david anders (of alias fame). kensei is not the hero that hiro has been told about, he's just in it for the money, the sake, and the chicks. it seems hiro has changed history, let's see if he can fix it.
parkman, molly and mohinder are all one happy family except molly has been having nasty dreams concerning eyes and the ever elusive symbol that has been all over this show since the beginning. parkman finally gets to be a detective, and molly gets to go to school. mohinder meanwhile has been traveling the world speaking of these extraordinary people and a mysterious virus that is plaguing them to whoever will listen which is not many. 'the company' has recruited him to find a cure for this virus but little do they know that mohinder and HRG have got a game plan.
we learned that 'the bennets', now 'the butlers' have moved to costa verde, ca and claire gets to keep the nissan rogue (this year's new versa). she is also not a robot as her new classmate and fellow hero has deemed everyone at school robots or aliens (robots do as they're told and aliens do what they want). we also learn HRG doesn't want her to draw any attention to herself, which means no cheerleading for claire bear...but i'm sure that is going to change. HRG is working at a kinkos type place with a dink boss and pretty much is a bad ass especially when he's on break.
nathan has apparently decided against congress, grown a gruffy beard, drank lots of alocohol and has had half of his face blown off that can only been seen in the mirror. he also fully believes our peter is alive.
hiro is stuck in 1671 with takeo kensei, who is a british guy played by the lovely david anders (of alias fame). kensei is not the hero that hiro has been told about, he's just in it for the money, the sake, and the chicks. it seems hiro has changed history, let's see if he can fix it.
parkman, molly and mohinder are all one happy family except molly has been having nasty dreams concerning eyes and the ever elusive symbol that has been all over this show since the beginning. parkman finally gets to be a detective, and molly gets to go to school. mohinder meanwhile has been traveling the world speaking of these extraordinary people and a mysterious virus that is plaguing them to whoever will listen which is not many. 'the company' has recruited him to find a cure for this virus but little do they know that mohinder and HRG have got a game plan.
hiro's dad is dead and the petrelli mama is marked with a red verson of the symbol. death comes by way of a hooded man who mr. nakamura apparently knew.
as for our beloved peter (my fave hero) just take a look at the picture above (source: nbc.com). he's ended up in this crate, shirtless (yum), blood scratched and he has no idea who he is. if you look closely you can see again that our symbol is on his necklace. so where has he been these four months? and what happened to him?!?!?! who knows? but i can't wait to find out.
there is also a new hero or possibly heroes (maya and alejandro). it's not really clear what exactly maya's power is but people around her keep turning up dead. and these two are on the run for mr. suresh so that she can find a cure.....
there was no new info on niki, dl or micah which leads me to believe that dl is the only death that really stuck from the season finale. sylar was seen walking around in the beginning of the episode so he is most definitely alive.....and possibly reaking havoc.
so now that the lil synoposis is out of the way we can talk about what i thought: the set up was pretty great. the petrelli storylines are going to be interesting as our the bennets. this new hero classmate seems to look a lot like zack and his whole purpose seems to be as a love interest for our dear claire. the kensei twist was pretty nice and it will be interesting to see how hiro ensures his presence doesn't change history. the title of volume 2 is "generations" and from what we've seen so far this is definitely the case. we are going to learn about the heroes, where they come from and where more are coming from. this whole virus thing intrigues me too....is this what molly had at the end of the season? and is this what mohinder's sister died from? so many questions were posed....it's gonna be a good ride and i can't wait for the rest of it
so now that the lil synoposis is out of the way we can talk about what i thought: the set up was pretty great. the petrelli storylines are going to be interesting as our the bennets. this new hero classmate seems to look a lot like zack and his whole purpose seems to be as a love interest for our dear claire. the kensei twist was pretty nice and it will be interesting to see how hiro ensures his presence doesn't change history. the title of volume 2 is "generations" and from what we've seen so far this is definitely the case. we are going to learn about the heroes, where they come from and where more are coming from. this whole virus thing intrigues me too....is this what molly had at the end of the season? and is this what mohinder's sister died from? so many questions were posed....it's gonna be a good ride and i can't wait for the rest of it
Monday, September 24, 2007
quick blurb on tonight's shows
quick blurb, heroes season premiere was amazing. so many new questions with the new heroes and even the old heroes!! did you see nathan's face in the mirror?! i am in love with this show. (it also doesn't hurt that both of those petrelli brothers are super hot)
chuck was pretty good...started slow but got much better as it went on.
watching the hills right now.... want to punch heidi and spencer in the face and they're just buying dishes. and please dear god shave this ugly fuzz on your ugly face spencer. yuck.
alright i'll post more indepth reviews/thoughts on the shows tomorrow. as for now it's sleep and work early in the morn.
night kids.
love, lau
chuck was pretty good...started slow but got much better as it went on.
watching the hills right now.... want to punch heidi and spencer in the face and they're just buying dishes. and please dear god shave this ugly fuzz on your ugly face spencer. yuck.
alright i'll post more indepth reviews/thoughts on the shows tomorrow. as for now it's sleep and work early in the morn.
night kids.
love, lau
and so the fall season begins....
hola everyone!!! my name is lauren and this blog was kind of a whim i just had (to put off the massive amounts of grad school work i have). some people call me lau, lo, ren, and hence the name of this blog: tvg (i'll explain that one in a bit)
i am from a small town outside of boston that is totally one of the towns on tv that is a complete bubble (everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everything about everyone, but hey i love it). i have the bestest friends in the world and love to have a good time.
one thing these friends will tell you is that i am without a doubt a pop culture whore. one of my most favorite things to do is WATCH TELEVISION and this brings me to the purpose of this blog.....all things tv. i love television. i pretty much think tivo is the greatest invention ever (in addition to fast lane). i am a faithful reader of eonline's watch with kristen ( http://www.eonline.com/gossip/kristin/index.jsp?sid=nav-news-gossip ) and would absolutely kill for her job. the televisions shows i love (past and present) include : heroes, buffy, lost, veronica mars, 24, greys anatomy, prison break, sex and the city, house, OC, dawsons creek, that 70s show, my boys, roswell, entrourage, ugly betty, the nine, studio 60 and mtv reality shows (the hills, laguna, newport harbor, life of ryan, real world, etc.). all time faves would have to be heroes, and buffy with lost and veronica mars coming close seconds.
so the name of this blog is 'tvg' because one of my bestest from grad school decided it would be a perfect nickname for me. 'tvg' standing for 'tv guide'.....every time we hang out she'll ask me what's good on that night and i will most likely know, it's pretty funny.
so i'll try to update as often as possible but i am a pretty busy girl so we'll see how that works. i'll at least update once a week with all my thoughts and that jazz on my favorite shows.
i'm pretty pumped for tonight's tv lineup: chuck, and heroes and on the tivo, prison break, the hills and life of ryan. we'll see what i get to........so i'llllll be back later. have a fabulous one!!! :)
love, lau
i am from a small town outside of boston that is totally one of the towns on tv that is a complete bubble (everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everything about everyone, but hey i love it). i have the bestest friends in the world and love to have a good time.
one thing these friends will tell you is that i am without a doubt a pop culture whore. one of my most favorite things to do is WATCH TELEVISION and this brings me to the purpose of this blog.....all things tv. i love television. i pretty much think tivo is the greatest invention ever (in addition to fast lane). i am a faithful reader of eonline's watch with kristen ( http://www.eonline.com/gossip/kristin/index.jsp?sid=nav-news-gossip ) and would absolutely kill for her job. the televisions shows i love (past and present) include : heroes, buffy, lost, veronica mars, 24, greys anatomy, prison break, sex and the city, house, OC, dawsons creek, that 70s show, my boys, roswell, entrourage, ugly betty, the nine, studio 60 and mtv reality shows (the hills, laguna, newport harbor, life of ryan, real world, etc.). all time faves would have to be heroes, and buffy with lost and veronica mars coming close seconds.
so the name of this blog is 'tvg' because one of my bestest from grad school decided it would be a perfect nickname for me. 'tvg' standing for 'tv guide'.....every time we hang out she'll ask me what's good on that night and i will most likely know, it's pretty funny.
so i'll try to update as often as possible but i am a pretty busy girl so we'll see how that works. i'll at least update once a week with all my thoughts and that jazz on my favorite shows.
i'm pretty pumped for tonight's tv lineup: chuck, and heroes and on the tivo, prison break, the hills and life of ryan. we'll see what i get to........so i'llllll be back later. have a fabulous one!!! :)
love, lau
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